About Us

Welcome to Shiv Aarti India Foundation, our SAIF specially main goal development in rural areas, where development is yet to reach there.

Shiv Aarti India Foundation is a N.G.O (Non Government Organization) and mainly focusing on Self-Employment, Health, Education, Vocational Training, Environmental. Shiv Aarti India Foundation also focusing the all awareness programmed to address their rights and needs in this respect.

So, totally we dedicated this foundation to our loving rural development and poor people.

A Journey in the field of Social Work :-

Shiv Aarti India Foundation is a secular, humanitarian, non-political, nonprofit making and non-governmental organization registered as a NGO under the  [Pursuant to Sub Section (2) of section 7 and sub section 1 of section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and rule 18 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules ] 2014 Catalytic role towards Rural Development ( All Villages) and Urban Development in City Panipat PO – Panipat , PS- Panipat , Pin Code- 132103, Haryana (India) , working in the field of health, education,environmental, women empowerment, and focusing on rural development. Shiv Aarti India Foundation as a NGO came into existence in the nineties being registered under [Pursuant to Sub Section (2) of section 7 and sub section 1 of section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and rule 18 of the Companies (Incorporation) and rule 18 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules ] 2014 with a vision to work with the rural community with a catalytic role towards Rural Development ( All Villages) and Urban Development in City Panipat PO – Panipat , PS- Panipat , Pin Code- 132103, Haryana (India) . India at its birth it was focusing on the awareness programme related with environment, health and education organizing people to address their right and needs in this respect. Gradually it under look same action oriented activities though of volunteer nature, to help the community to participate in their own developmental process extending its area of operation to other areas of the Urban City  and now planning to work Panipat and other Districts of State as well as outside the State of Haryana (India) .

The vision of our NGO which provides equal opportunities to all its citizens irrespective of age, sex, religion, caste and socio-economic stratification; which provides basic health, education and socio-economic empowerment; give sequal rights, equity and justice all.

The mission of our NGO are promoting, supporting and strengthening participatory action for the development of rural and urban communities of our NGO.

To establish self reliant all inclusive sustainable growth for everyone so as to enable them to live with peace, happiness, harmony and mutual understanding. To contribute in achievement of millennium development goals in areas of our operation.


While formulating the strategic objectives of the NGO, the tenets and principle senunciated by Eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and their 18 Millennium Development Targets were taken into basic consideration. The eight MDG senshrined in the Millennium Declaration in September 2000 at the Millennium Summit are :

(i) Eradication of extreme poverty & hunger, (ii) Universal primary education, (iii) Promoting gender equality & women empowerment, (iv) Reducing child mortality, (v)Improving maternal health, (vi) Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases,(vii) Ensuring environmental sustainability and (viii) Developing global partnership& understanding.

Think big, always aim high. Shiv Aarti India Foundation  NGO  is working on a nation binding activity. We need more hands to build a better India of our dreams. Every kind of support mentally, physically, technically and financially will give us a good boost for achieving our target.

We believe that people have the potential to shape their destiny. They have amplere sources with in and around them.

We believe that building their capacity for mobilizing as well as properly utilizing these resources will enable them to be self reliant and live dignified lives.

We believe that people are themselves agents of change. We are only facilitators towards that change.

Our Activities :-

The strategic objectives thus are enumerated in the Memorandum of Association of the NGO as under –

(a) To arrange & organize lectures, debates, discussions, seminars and excursion for the diffusion of knowledge.

(b) To publish or cause to be publish useful literatures, magazines, etc without any profit motive.

(c) To study, cultivate and demonstrate the art of music and dancing.

(d) To promote and encourage advancement of literacy, Cultural. Political, Religious and scientific education.

(e) To help the needy students of all communities for the pursuing their studies.

(f) To collect & preserve manuscripts, paintings, sculptures, works or art, antiques. Natural history specimens, mechanical & scientific instruments and designs.

(g) To help the aged, sick, helpless and indigent persons of people.

(h) To alleviate the sufferings of animals or other living creatures as may be deemed appropriate.

(i) To engage and assist in such other philanthropic activities as may be deemed appropriate by the governing body of the society.

(j) To engage and organize Self -Help Group based programmes for Augmentation of the livelihood opportunities of the people at the grass-root level as being beneficial to the public of to a section of people.

(k) To open and start the health projects for the poor people, children, backward class and less income generating people on charitable basis.

(l) To assist the poor people within financial assistance in different occasions.

(m) To establish and to run the old-age home for the distressed/wisteria and helpless people.

(n) To help the orphans, handicapped children for homage, construction of home for the purpose of education and to establish in the social status and provision of home environment and for construction of such homes.

(o) To make child guidance centers and to arrange child labor protection; various awareness generating programmes regarding health, nutrition and Medical Checkup.

p) To conduct awareness and training programmes/seminars/training regarding agriculture & farming.

(q) To make awareness generation programmes regarding HIV/AIDS, STD, TB and Thallassemia.

(r) To arrange various vocational training programmes.

(s) To arrange awareness generation for protection against child & women trafficking.

(t) To create awareness about tree plantation and social forestry.

(u) To arrange, participate & organize relief and rehabilitation activities.

(v) To carry out projects about sustainable development of nature and environment.

(w) To acquire establish, Start, Aid, run, maintain or manage educational institutes, libraries for the benefit of the public.

(x) To organize blood donation camps and arrange blood for poor needy people.

(y) To make arrangements for drinking water and sanitation for the needy people.

(z) The functions & objects of the NGO shall be always remain restricted within the meening of the section 4 (2) of the WBSR Act.

(aa) To make training for rural unemployed youth for their self -emplyment program.

(ab) To celebrate different important days.

To income and properties of the NGO whatsoever derived or obtained shall be applied solely towards and promotion of the object of the NGO and on portion there of shall be paid to or amongst of its members by way profits.

Evolution of Strategy:-

Immediately after its establishment, the nascent organization had tried to start its activities in right earnestness in a systematic and rational manner. For this purpose, it was essential to evolve a plan of action for the organization as under –

(a) All related activities and projects had to be necessarily carried out in both rural and urban as well as urban scenario although the need was more pronounced amongst poor urban population. So the selection of suitable area was the foremost consideration but the areas so selected should have some dependable and like minded local persons who would be responsible for accomplishment of the projects / activities. For this purpose Panipat Rural Development ( All Villages) and Urban Development in City Panipat PO – Panipat , PS- Panipat , Pin Code- 132103, Haryana (India) . Panipat was selected as the rural site where dependable local like minded persons were available to oversee and follow up the projects.

(b)The next important issue was to identify and select the type of activity / project which would be voluntarily and enthusiastically accepted by the prospective beneficiaries. For this, a survey of local areas was carried out and it was found that –

(i) The people of urban area of Panipat Rural Development ( All Villages) and Urban Development in City Panipat PO – Panipat , PS- Panipat , Pin Code- 132103, Haryana (India) were responsive to awareness generation programmes on social health related and various economic issues.

(ii)On the other hand the people of Panipat Rural Development ( All Villages) and Urban Development in City Panipat PO – Panipat , PS- Panipat , Pin Code- 132103, Haryana (India) were more enthusiastic towards economic development projects and such economic development could then be meaningfully utilized as the launching pad for creating awareness and other social matters.

Project Area :-

Our projects are running on the area of Panipat, Rural Development ( All Villages) and Urban Development in City Panipat PO – Panipat , PS- Panipat , Pin Code- 132103, Haryana (India). Now we are planning to work other Districts of State as well as outside the State of Haryana( India) .


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